

What is Enteroscopy?

Balloon endoscopy, or enteroscopy, is a procedure used to examine the small and large intestines. A long flexible tube with a tiny video camera on the tip is covered by a balloon and inserted through the mouth. The doctor guides the tube by inflating and deflating the balloon to advance it further through the intestinal tract for observation.


Preparation for Procedure

  • Continue all medications prior to the exam unless otherwise directed by Dr.Singh
  • If you take any blood-thinners such as Aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin or others, please discuss this with Dr.Singh as he may need to stop these prior to your procedure
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight
  • The morning of your procedure, you may take all of your usual medications unless otherwise directed by Dr.Singh.
  • You will be sedated during your endoscopy. Because of this you will not be able to drive after the procedure and will need to arrange for someone to drive you home.


During Procedure

Please arrive for your appointment in a timely manner, as you will need to check in, briefly discuss the exam with Dr. Singh and sign forms. You’ll be given an intravenous sedative to make you sleepy and relaxed. Your vital signs will be checked and monitored throughout the exam. A mouth guard will be put in place to prevent you from accidentally closing your mouth during Enteroscopy. You’ll be asked to lie down comfortably on your left side. Dr. Singh will gently guide a thin, flexible endoscope through your mouth, esophagus, stomach and small intestine. You’ll be able to breathe freely throughout the exam. You may feel bloated during and after the procedure. This is expected, as some air may be introduced into your GI tract to enable Dr. Singh to see and examine the small intestine thoroughly. With the necessary instruments in place, Dr. Singh will examine your small intestine’s lining. Should he find any abnormal tissue, he’ll collect a sample (a biopsy) during the exam. It isn’t painful and you won’t feel it. The exam is completed within 1-3 hours.


You’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you to and from the exam. You’ll be sedated for the Enteroscopy and unable to drive afterward. Please plan to rest for the remainder of the day, and do not make any important decisions while still under the influence of the sedative.

Right after the Enteroscopy, you’ll be taken to a recovery room to recover from the effects of the sedative. The IV will be removed and your vital signs will be monitored until you wake up. Dr. Singh will discuss the exam’s results with you briefly. You may have a sore throat, which can be relieved with an over-the-counter cough drop or by gargling with salt water. Once you return home, you may eat and drink as usual. The bloated feeling will resolve within hours as you expel gas. Complications after Enteroscopy are rare. Still, should you experience any unusual symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, severe pain, or vomiting blood, please contact Dr. Singh immediately.

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